WebCodecs in Chrome M86: Limitations


  • AudioDecoder can decode AAC, FLAC, MP3, Opus, and Vorbis.
  • VideoDecoder can decode VP8, VP9, H.264 and AV1 (AV1 not available on Android).
  • VideoEncoder can encode VP8 and VP9.
  • VideoTrackReader.
  • ImageDecoder can decode BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, AVIF, and WebP.


  • AudioEncoder is not yet implemented.
  • VideoEncoder can encode H.264, but it is limited:
    • H.264 encoding is not available on all platforms.
    • The output format is Annex B. We expect the format to be AVC in the future.
  • new VideoFrame(pixelFormat, planes, frameInit) is not available.
  • ImageDecoder  can’t decode SVG. We don’t expect SVG to ever be supported.


  • AudioDecoder and VideoDecoder call error(undefined) to report an error. We expect the value to be a DOMException in the future.
  • VideoDecoder, VideoEncoder, and EncodedVideoChunk are not available in Worker contexts. Worker support will be added in the future.
  • VideoEncoder does not emit VideoDecoderConfig objects to describe its output. We expect configs to be emitted in the future.
  • Constructing a VideoFrame from an ImageBitmap produces an I420 frame. We expect this to change to RGBA or an opaque format in the future.
  • In some cases a valid VideoFrame has format === null and planes === null. VideoFrame.createImageBitmap() is available. We expect to add explicit conversion APIs to address these cases in the future.
  • ImageFrame  does not provide YUV access. We expect that ImageDecoder will output VideoFrame objects in the future.
  • H.264 extradata and payload must be provided in AVC format.

Known Issues

AudioDecoder, VideoDecoder, and VideoEncoder may produce outputs or errors after calling reset().


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本文链接地址: WebCodecs in Chrome M86: Limitations

GB28181 设备注册密码验证算法

最近实现了NMSv3接收GB28181设备注册,下发指令主动通知摄像头以RTP推流到NMS,转为RTMP, KMP, FLV播放。




HA1=MD5(username:realm:passwd) #username和realm在字段“Authorization”中可以找到,passwd这个是由客户端和服务器协商得到的,一般情况下UAC端存一个UAS也知道的密码就行了
HA2=MD5(Method:Uri) #Method一般有INVITE, ACK, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, REGISTER;Uri可以在字段“Authorization”找到
response = MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2)



当设备第一次发送REGISTER,NMS回复401, 并附带




HA1=MD5(username:realm:passwd) #username和realm在字段“Authorization”中可以找到,passwd这个是由客户端和服务器协商得到的,一般情况下UAC端存一个UAS也知道的密码就行了
HA2=MD5(Method:Uri) #Method一般有INVITE, ACK, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, REGISTER;Uri可以在字段“Authorization”找到
response = MD5(HA1:nonce:nc:cnonce:qop:HA2)



原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自贝壳博客

本文链接地址: GB28181 设备注册密码验证算法