LiteSpeed 开启 .htaccess rewrite 及其他功能

LiteSpeed 一大优势当然是支持 Apache .htaccess 重写,相当给力。



进入后台管理页面 Configuration ->Server

HT Access 这一栏中点 Edit 勾选FileInfo 这个选项 点Save 然后重启就OK了。

  1. When Limit is checked, directives “Order”, “Allow from” and “Deny from” are allowed.
    当 Limit选项被选中,”Order”, “Allow from” and “Deny from” 这些指令将被允许使用。

  2. When Auth is checked, directives “AuthGroupFile”, “AuthName”, “AuthType”, “AuthUserFile”, “Require” are allowed.
    当 Auth 选项被选中 ,”AuthGroupFile”, “AuthName”, “AuthType”, “AuthUserFile”, “Require” 这些指令将被允许使用。主要用于做身份验证。
  3. When FileInfo is checked, directives “Satisfy”, AddDefaultCharset”, “AddType”, “DefaultType”, “ForceType”, “ExpiresActive”, “ExpiresDefault”, “ExpiresByType”, “Redirect”, “RedirectTemp”, “RedirectPermanent”, “RewriteEngine”, “RewriteOptions”, “RewriteBase”, “RewriteCond” and “RewriteRule” are allowed
    FileInfo 选项被选中,^^^^ 允许重写命令
  4. When Indexes is checked, directive “DirectoryIndex” is allowed
  5. When Options is checked, directive “Options” is allowed

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自贝壳博客

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